China bristles at ‘irresponsible’ U.S. flight near disputed islands

China bristles at ‘irresponsible’ U.S. flight near disputed islands, BEIJING — China accused the United States on Friday of “very irresponsible” and potentially dangerous actions after a U.S. surveillance plane flew near disputed islands in the South China Sea and was warned off by the Chinese navy this week.  On Wednesday, a P-8A Poseidon aircraft passed near the disputed Spratly Islands and viewed huge Chinese land-reclamation operations in the vicinity. The plane was told to leave eight times by the Chinese navy, according to a CNN team aboard the plane.  “It is very irresponsible and also very dangerous,” he said at a routine news conference Friday. “It undermines regional peace and security. China expresses strong dissatisfaction.”  Experts said China appears to be trying to create a military exclusion zone around the islands, a move that could heighten regional tensions.  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the U.S. plane’s flight represented “a potential threat to the security of the Chinese island and reef,” adding that such actions could easily lead to an accident.  “It is very irresponsible and also very dangerous,” he said at a routine news conference Friday. “It undermines regional peace and security. China expresses strong dissatisfaction.”   Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around the Spratly Islands. (U.S. Navy/via Reuters) After each warning, the U.S. pilots responded that the P-8A was flying through international airspace, according to the CNN team.  The Philippines says similar warnings have been delivered to its military aircraft in the past three months, suggesting that China is trying to exclude foreign military planes from the area.  China claims sovereignty over more than 80 percent of the South China Sea. Rival claimants to ­islands and reefs in the area — set amid fertile fishing grounds and potentially oil- and gas-rich ­waters — include the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.  In the Spratly Islands, China has been engaged in an extensive program of land reclamation and construction, including building artificial islands. When the U.S. plane approached the area this week, it was told to leave.  “Foreign military aircraft. This is Chinese navy. You are approaching our military alert zone. Leave immediately,” a radio operator reportedly told the aircraft, later bluntly instructing: “Go, go.”     Hong urged the United States to refrain from risky and provocative actions. “The Chinese side will keep a close watch on the situation in relevant waters and airspace and take proper and necessary measures accordingly, so as to guard against any harm to the security of China’s maritime features, as well as sea and air accidents,” he said.  In a commentary published Friday, the official Xinhua News Agency accused the United States of “senseless meddling” in China’s territorial disputes with other nations.“Now, China has the initiative, and as long as China can finish the construction, this round of intervention by the U.S. will end up futile,” the paper said. Beijing’s policies in the South China Sea, it said, would ultimately safeguard regional security and could establish the Spratly Islands as a “navigation and fishing hub.”   “We will continue to fly in international airspace,” he said in Washington.  The state-owned tabloid Global Times said the United States was trying to contain China and “sensationalize” the issue in a bid to apply pressure on Beijing. It argued that neither side wanted a showdown and that “hard-liners in the Pentagon” would soon realize they could not stand in China’s way.On Thursday, a Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren, said that “freedom of navigation operations” would continue in the South China Sea, but he insisted that U.S. military aircraft do not fly directly over areas claimed by China in the Spratly Islands.Běijīng - zhōngguó pī zhǐ “hěn bù fù zérèn”, bìng yǒu qiánzài wéixiǎn de xíngdòng, měiguó shàng zhōu wǔ zhīhòu, měiguó zhēnchá jī fēi jìn yǒu zhēngyì de dǎoyǔ zài zhōngguó nánhǎi, bìng zài běn zhōu bèi jǐnggàoguò zhōngguó hǎijūn.  Shàng zhōusān, zài P-8A hǎishén fēijī tōngguò fùjìn yǒu zhēngyì de nánshā qúndǎo jí fùjìn kàn dào pángdà de zhōngguó tǔdì fù kěn yèwù. Zhè jià fēijī bèi gàozhī yào líkāi bā cì yóu zhōngguó hǎijūn, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì dēng shàngle fēijī.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“  Zhuānjiā biǎoshì, zhōngguó sìhū shì shìtú chuàngzào dǎoyǔ zhōuwéi de jūnshì jìnqū, zhè kěnéng huì jiājù dìqū jǐnzhāng júshì de jǔdòng.  Zhōngguó wàijiāo bù fāyán rén hóng lěi shuō, měiguó fēijī de fēixíngwéi dàibiǎo de “duì zhōngguó de dǎoyǔ hé jiāoshí de ānquán gòuchéng qiánzài wēixié”, bìng chēng zhèyàng de xíng wéi hěn róngyì dǎozhì shìgù.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“   Zhōngguó wā shāchuán jù chēng shì zài kàn dào zhōuwéi de nánshā qúndǎo hǎiyù. (Měiguó hǎijūn/lùtòu tōngguò) měi gè jǐnggào hòu, měiguó fēixíngyuán huíyīng chēng,P-8A shì tōngguò fēi guójì kōngyù, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì.  Fēilǜbīn biǎoshì, lèisì de jǐnggào yǐjīng jiāofù gěi tā de jūnyòng fēijī zài guòqù sān gè yuè, zhè biǎomíng zhōngguó zhèngzài nǔlì páichú wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī cóng gāi dìqū.  Zhōngguó xuānchēng yǒngyǒu zhǔquán chāoguò 80%de zhōngguó nánhǎi. Duìshǒu suǒpéi rén dǎo jiāo qū - shèzhì jì féiwò de yúchǎng hé qiánzài de shíyóu hé tiānránqì chúliàng fēngfù de shuǐyù - bāokuò fēilǜbīn, yuènán, táiwān, mǎláixīyà héwén lái.  Zài nánshā qúndǎo, zhōngguó yīzhí cóngshì guǎngfàn de tǔdì kāikěn hé jiànshè, bāokuò jiànshè réngōng dǎo de jìhuà. Dāng měiguó fēijī zài běn zhōu zǒu jìn lǐngyù, tā bèi gàozhī yào líkāi.  “Wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī. Zhè shì zhōngguó hǎijūn. Nín zhèngzài jiējìn wǒmen de jūnshì jǐngjiè qū. Mǎshàng líkāi,“yīgè bàowù yuán jù bàodào gàosùle fēijī, hòulái zhíyán zhǐshì:” Zǒu ba, zǒu ba “.     Xiānggǎng hūyù měiguó cóng màoxiǎn hé tiǎoxìn xìng de xíngdòng. “Zhōngguó fāngmiàn jiāng jìxù mìqiè guānzhù xiāngguān shuǐyù hé kōngyù de qíngkuàng, bìng cǎiqǔ shìdàng hé bìyào de cuòshī, yīncǐ, yǐ fángzhǐ rènhé shānghài dào zhōngguó dì hǎishàng gōngnéng de ānquán xìng, yǐjí hǎi kōng yìwài shìgù,” tā shuō.  Zài zhōu wǔ fābù de yī piān pínglùn, guānfāng de xīnhuá shè zhǐzé zhōngguó yǔ qítā guójiā de lǐng​​tǔ zhēngduān “wúlítóu guǎn xiánshì” dì měiguó.“Xiànzài, zhōngguó yǒngyǒu zhǔdòng quán, zhǐyào zhōngguó néng wánchéng jiànshè, zhè yī lún gānyù měiguó jiāng zuìzhōng túláo,“gāi bào shuō. Zài zhōngguó nánhǎi běijīng de zhèngcè, tā shuō, zuìzhōng jiāng wéihù dìqū ānquán, bìng kěnéng jiànlì nánshā qúndǎo wèi “hángxíng hé bǔ yú shūniǔ.”   “Wǒmen jiāng jìxù zài guójì kōngyù fēixíng,” tā zài huáshèngdùn biǎoshì.  Guóyǒu xiǎobào huánqiú shíbào shuō, měiguó shìtú èzhì zhōngguó de “chǎozuò” de wèntí, qìtú duì shījiā yālì běijīng. Tā rènwéi, rènhé yīfāng dōu xiǎng yào yī jué gāo xià, ér “qiángyìng pài zài wǔjiǎodàlóu” hěn kuài jiù huì yìshí dào tāmen wúfǎ rěnshòu zài zhōngguó de way.On zhōu sì wǔjiǎodàlóu fāyán rén, shàng xiào shǐ dì fū·wò lún shuō,“dǎoháng xíngdòng zìyóu” huì zài zhōngguó nánhǎi jìxù, dàn tā jiānchí shuō, měiguó jūnyòng fēijī bù zhíjiē fēi guòlái, zài nánshā qúndǎo shēngchēng zhōngguó dìqū., 北京 - 中国被指“很不负责任”,并有潜在危险的行动,美国上周五之后,美国侦察机飞近有争议的岛屿在中国南海,并在本周被警告过中国海军。  上周三,在P-8A海神飞机通过附近有争议的南沙群岛及附近看到庞大的中国土地复垦业务。这架飞机被告知要离开八次由中国海军,根据CNN的团队登上了飞机。  “这是非常不负责任的,也是非常危险的,”他在例行新闻发布会上周五表示。 “它破坏了地区和平与安全。中国对此表示强烈不满。“  专家表示,中国似乎是试图创造岛屿周围的军事禁区,这可能会加剧地区紧张局势的举动。  中国外交部发言人洪磊说,美国飞机的飞行为代表的“对中国的岛屿和礁石的安全构成潜在威胁”,并称这样的行为很容易导致事故。  “这是非常不负责任的,也是非常危险的,”他在例行新闻发布会上周五表示。 “它破坏了地区和平与安全。中国对此表示强烈不满。“   中国挖沙船据称是在看到周围的南沙群岛海域。 (美国海军/路透通过) 每个警告后,美国飞行员回应称,P-8A是通过飞国际空域,根据CNN的团队。  菲律宾表示,类似的警告已经交付给它的军用飞机在过去三个月,这表明中国正在努力排除外国军用飞机从该地区。  Běijīng - zhōngguó pī zhǐ “hěn bù fù zérèn”, bìng yǒu qiánzài wéixiǎn de xíngdòng, měiguó shàng zhōu wǔ zhīhòu, měiguó zhēnchá jī fēi jìn yǒu zhēngyì de dǎoyǔ zài zhōngguó nánhǎi, bìng zài běn zhōu bèi jǐnggàoguò zhōngguó hǎijūn.  Shàng zhōusān, zài P-8A hǎishén fēijī tōngguò fùjìn yǒu zhēngyì de nánshā qúndǎo jí fùjìn kàn dào pángdà de zhōngguó tǔdì fù kěn yèwù. Zhè jià fēijī bèi gàozhī yào líkāi bā cì yóu zhōngguó hǎijūn, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì dēng shàngle fēijī.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“  Zhuānjiā biǎoshì, zhōngguó sìhū shì shìtú chuàngzào dǎoyǔ zhōuwéi de jūnshì jìnqū, zhè kěnéng huì jiājù dìqū jǐnzhāng júshì de jǔdòng.  Zhōngguó wàijiāo bù fāyán rén hóng lěi shuō, měiguó fēijī de fēixíngwéi dàibiǎo de “duì zhōngguó de dǎoyǔ hé jiāoshí de ānquán gòuchéng qiánzài wēixié”, bìng chēng zhèyàng de xíng wéi hěn róngyì dǎozhì shìgù.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“   Zhōngguó wā shāchuán jù chēng shì zài kàn dào zhōuwéi de nánshā qúndǎo hǎiyù. (Měiguó hǎijūn/lùtòu tōngguò) měi gè jǐnggào hòu, měiguó fēixíngyuán huíyīng chēng,P-8A shì tōngguò fēi guójì kōngyù, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì.  Fēilǜbīn biǎoshì, lèisì de jǐnggào yǐjīng jiāofù gěi tā de jūnyòng fēijī zài guòqù sān gè yuè, zhè biǎomíng zhōngguó zhèngzài nǔlì páichú wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī cóng gāi dìqū.  Zhōngguó xuānchēng yǒngyǒu zhǔquán chāoguò 80%de zhōngguó nánhǎi. Duìshǒu suǒpéi rén dǎo jiāo qū - shèzhì jì féiwò de yúchǎng hé qiánzài de shíyóu hé tiānránqì chúliàng fēngfù de shuǐyù - bāokuò fēilǜbīn, yuènán, táiwān, mǎláixīyà héwén lái.  Zài nánshā qúndǎo, zhōngguó yīzhí cóngshì guǎngfàn de tǔdì kāikěn hé jiànshè, bāokuò jiànshè réngōng dǎo de jìhuà. Dāng měiguó fēijī zài běn zhōu zǒu jìn lǐngyù, tā bèi gàozhī yào líkāi.  “Wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī. Zhè shì zhōngguó hǎijūn. Nín zhèngzài jiējìn wǒmen de jūnshì jǐngjiè qū. Mǎshàng líkāi,“yīgè bàowù yuán jù bàodào gàosùle fēijī, hòulái zhíyán zhǐshì:” Zǒu ba, zǒu ba “.     Xiānggǎng hūyù měiguó cóng màoxiǎn hé tiǎoxìn xìng de xíngdòng. “Zhōngguó fāngmiàn jiāng jìxù mìqiè guānzhù xiāngguān shuǐyù hé kōngyù de qíngkuàng, bìng cǎiqǔ shìdàng hé bìyào de cuòshī, yīncǐ, yǐ fángzhǐ rènhé shānghài dào zhōngguó dì hǎishàng gōngnéng de ānquán xìng, yǐjí hǎi kōng yìwài shìgù,” tā shuō.  Zài zhōu wǔ fābù de yī piān pínglùn, guānfāng de xīnhuá shè zhǐzé zhōngguó yǔ qítā guójiā de lǐng​​tǔ zhēngduān “wúlítóu guǎn xiánshì” dì měiguó.“Xiànzài, zhōngguó yǒngyǒu zhǔdòng quán, zhǐyào zhōngguó néng wánchéng jiànshè, zhè yī lún gānyù měiguó jiāng zuìzhōng túláo,“gāi bào shuō. Zài zhōngguó nánhǎi běijīng de zhèngcè, tā shuō, zuìzhōng jiāng wéihù dìqū ānquán, bìng kěnéng jiànlì nánshā qúndǎo wèi “hángxíng hé bǔ yú shūniǔ.”   “Wǒmen jiāng jìxù zài guójì kōngyù fēixíng,” tā zài huáshèngdùn biǎoshì.  Guóyǒu xiǎobào huánqiú shíbào shuō, měiguó shìtú èzhì zhōngguó de “chǎozuò” de wèntí, qìtú duì shījiā yālì běijīng. Tā rènwéi, rènhé yīfāng dōu xiǎng yào yī jué gāo xià, ér “qiángyìng pài zài wǔjiǎodàlóu” hěn kuài jiù huì yìshí dào tāmen wúfǎ rěnshòu zài zhōngguó de way.On zhōu sì wǔjiǎodàlóu fāyán rén, shàng xiào shǐ dì fū·wò lún shuō,“dǎoháng xíngdòng zìyóu” huì zài zhōngguó nánhǎi jìxù, dàn tā jiānchí shuō, měiguó jūnyòng fēijī bù zhíjiē fēi guòlái, zài nánshā qúndǎo shēngchēng zhōngguó dìqū.中国宣称拥有主权超过80%的中国南海。对手索赔人岛礁区 - 设置际肥沃的渔场和潜在的石油和天然气储量丰富的水域 - 包括菲律宾,越南,台湾,马来西亚和文莱。  在南沙群岛,中国一直从事广泛的土地开垦和建设,包括建设人工岛的计划。当美国飞机在本周走近领域,它被告知要离开。  “外国军用飞机。这是中国海军。您正在接近我们的军事警戒区。马上离开,“一个报务员据报道告诉了飞机,后来直言指示:”走吧,走吧“。    香港呼吁美国从冒险和挑衅性的行动。 “中国方面将继续密切关注相关水域和空域的情况,并采取适当和必要的措施,因此,以防止任何伤害到中国的海上功能的安全性,以及海空意外事故,”他说。  在周五发布的一篇评论,官方的新华社指责中国与其他国家的领土争端“无厘头管闲事”的美国。“现在,中国拥有主动权,只要中国能完成建设,这一轮干预美国将最终徒劳,“该报说。在中国南海北京的政策,它说,最终将维护地区安全,并可能建立南沙群岛为“航行和捕鱼枢纽。”   “我们将继续在国际空域飞行,”他在华盛顿表示。  国有小报环球时报说,美国试图遏制中国的“炒作”的问题,企图对施加压力北京。它认为,任何一方都想要一决高下,而“强硬派在五角大楼”很快就会意识到他们无法忍受在中国的way.On周四五角大楼发言人,上校史蒂夫·沃伦说,“导航行动自由”会在中国南海继续,但他坚持说,美国军用飞机不直接飞过来,在南沙群岛声称中国地区。北京 - 中國被指“很不負責任”,並有潛在危險的行動,美國上週五之後,美國偵察機飛近有爭議的島嶼在中國南海,並在本週被警告過中國海軍。  上週三,在P-8A海神飛機通過附近有爭議的南沙群島及附近看到龐大的中國土地復墾業務。這架飛機被告知要離開八次由中國海軍,根據CNN的團隊登上了飛機。  “這是非常不負責任的,也是非常危險的,”他在例行新聞發布會上週五表示。 “它破壞了地區和平與安全。中國對此表示強烈不滿。“  專家表示,中國似乎是試圖創造島嶼周圍的軍事禁區,這可能會加劇地區緊張局勢的舉動。  中國外交部發言人洪磊說,美國飛機的飛行為代表的“對中國的島嶼和礁石的安全構成潛在威脅”,並稱這樣的行為很容易導致事故。  “這是非常不負責任的,也是非常危險的,”他在例行新聞發布會上週五表示。 “它破壞了地區和平與安全。中國對此表示強烈不滿。“   中國挖沙船據稱是在看到周圍的南沙群島海域。 (美國海軍/路透通過) 每個警告後,美國飛行員回應稱,P-8A是通過飛國際空域,根據CNN的團隊。  菲律賓表示,類似的警告已經交付給它的軍用飛機在過去三個月,這表明中國正在努力排除外國軍用飛機從該地區。  中國宣稱擁有主權超過80%的中國南海。對手索賠人島礁區 - 設置際肥沃的漁場和潛在的石油和天然氣儲量豐富的水域 - 包括菲律賓,越南,台灣,馬來西亞和文萊。  在南沙群島,中國一直從事廣泛的土地開墾和建設,包括建設人工島的計劃。當美國飛機在本週走近領域,它被告知要離開。  “外國軍用飛機。這是中國海軍。您正在接近我們的軍事警戒區。馬上離開,“一個報務員據報導告訴了飛機,後來直言指示:”走吧,走吧“。     香港呼籲美國從冒險和挑釁性的行動。 “中國方面將繼續密切關注相關水域和空域的情況,並採取適當和必要的措施,因此,以防止任何傷害到中國的海上功能的安全性,以及海空意外事故,”他說。  在週五發布的一篇評論,官方的新華社指責中國與其他國家的領土爭端“無厘頭管閒事”的美國。“現在,中國擁有主動權,只要中國能完成建設,這一輪干預美國將最終徒勞,“該報說。在中國南海北京的政策,它說,最終將維護地區安全,並可能建立南沙群島為“航行和捕魚樞紐。”   “我們將繼續在國際空域飛行,”他在華盛頓表示。  國有小報環球時報說,美國試圖遏制中國的“炒作”的問題,企圖對施加壓力北京。它認為,任何一方都想要一決高下,而“強硬派在五角大樓”很快就會意識到他們無法忍受在中國的way.On週四五角大樓發言人,上校史蒂夫·沃倫說,“導航行動自由”會在中國南海繼續,但他堅持說,美國軍用飛機不直接飛過來,在南沙群島聲稱中國地區。 Běijīng - zhōngguó pī zhǐ “hěn bù fù zérèn”, bìng yǒu qiánzài wéixiǎn de xíngdòng, měiguó shàng zhōu wǔ zhīhòu, měiguó zhēnchá jī fēi jìn yǒu zhēngyì de dǎoyǔ zài zhōngguó nánhǎi, bìng zài běn zhōu bèi jǐnggàoguò zhōngguó hǎijūn.  Shàng zhōu sān, zài P-8A hǎishén fēijī tōngguò fùjìn yǒu zhēngyì de nánshā qúndǎo jí fùjìn kàn dào pángdà de zhōngguó tǔdì fù kěn yèwù. Zhè jià fēijī bèi gàozhī yào líkāi bā cì yóu zhōngguó hǎijūn, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì dēng shàngle fēijī.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“  Zhuānjiā biǎoshì, zhōngguó sìhū shì shìtú chuàngzào dǎoyǔ zhōuwéi de jūnshì jìnqū, zhè kěnéng huì jiājù dìqū jǐnzhāng júshì de jǔdòng.  Zhōngguó wàijiāo bù fāyán rén hóng lěi shuō, měiguó fēijī de fēixíngwéi dàibiǎo de “duì zhōngguó de dǎoyǔ hé jiāoshí de ānquán gòuchéng qiánzài wēixié”, bìng chēng zhèyàng de xíng wéi hěn róngyì dǎozhì shìgù.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“   Zhōngguó wā shāchuán jù chēng shì zài kàn dào zhōuwéi de nánshā qúndǎo hǎiyù. (Měiguó hǎijūn/lùtòu tōngguò) měi gè jǐnggào hòu, měiguó fēixíngyuán huíyīng chēng,P-8A shì tōngguò fēi guójì kōngyù, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì.  Fēilǜbīn biǎoshì, lèisì de jǐnggào yǐjīng jiāofù gěi tā de jūnyòng fēijī zài guòqù sān gè yuè, zhè biǎomíng zhōngguó zhèngzài nǔlì páichú wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī cóng gāi dìqū.  Zhōngguó xuānchēng yǒngyǒu zhǔquán chāoguò 80%de zhōngguó nánhǎi. Duìshǒu suǒpéi rén dǎo jiāo qū - shèzhì jì féiwò de yúchǎng hé qiánzài de shíyóu hé tiānránqì chúliàng fēngfù de shuǐyù - bāokuò fēilǜbīn, yuènán, táiwān, mǎláixīyà héwén lái.  Zài nánshā qúndǎo, zhōngguó yīzhí cóngshì guǎngfàn de tǔdì kāikěn hé jiànshè, bāokuò jiànshè réngōng dǎo de jìhuà. Dāng měiguó fēijī zài běn zhōu zǒu jìn lǐngyù, tā bèi gàozhī yào líkāi.  “Wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī. Zhè shì zhōngguó hǎijūn. Nín zhèngzài jiējìn wǒmen de jūnshì jǐngjiè qū. Mǎshàng líkāi,“yīgè bàowù yuán jù bàodǎo gàosùle fēijī, hòulái zhíyán zhǐshì:” Zǒu ba, zǒu ba “.     Xiānggǎng hūyù měiguó cóng màoxiǎn hé tiǎoxìn xìng de xíngdòng. “Zhōngguó fāngmiàn jiāng jìxù mìqiè guānzhù xiāngguān shuǐyù hé kōngyù de qíngkuàng, bìng cǎiqǔ shìdàng hé bìyào de cuòshī, yīncǐ, yǐ fángzhǐ rènhé shānghài dào zhōngguó dì hǎishàng gōngnéng de ānquán xìng, yǐjí hǎi kōng yìwài shìgù,” tā shuō.  Zài zhōu wǔ fābù de yī piān pínglùn, guānfāng de xīnhuáshè zhǐzé zhōngguó yǔ qítā guójiā de lǐngtǔ zhēngduān “wúlítóu guǎn xiánshì” dì měiguó.“Xiànzài, zhōngguó yǒngyǒu zhǔdòng quán, zhǐyào zhōngguó néng wánchéng jiànshè, zhè yīlún gānyù měiguó jiāng zuìzhōng túláo,“gāi bào shuō. Zài zhōngguó nánhǎi běijīng de zhèngcè, tā shuō, zuìzhōng jiāng wéihù dìqū ānquán, bìng kěnéng jiànlì nánshā qúndǎo wèi “hángxíng hé bǔ yú shūniǔ.”   “Wǒmen jiāng jìxù zài guójì kōngyù fēixíng,” tā zài huáshèngdùn biǎoshì.  Guóyǒu xiǎo bào huánqiú shíbào shuō, měiguó shìtú èzhì zhōngguó de “chǎozuò” de wèntí, qìtú duì shījiā yālì běijīng. Tā rènwéi, rènhé yīfāng dōu xiǎng yào yī jué gāo xià, ér “qiángyìng pài zài wǔjiǎodàlóu” hěn kuài jiù huì yìshí dào tāmen wúfǎ rěnshòu zài zhōngguó de way.On zhōu sì wǔjiǎodàlóu fāyán rén, shàng xiào shǐ dì fū·wò lún shuō,“dǎoháng xíngdòng zìyóu” huì zài zhōngguó nánhǎi jìxù, dàn tā jiānchí shuō, měiguó jūnyòng fēijī bù zhíjiē fēi guòlái, zài nánshā qúndǎo shēngchēng zhōngguó dìqū.BEIJING — China accused the United States on Friday of “very irresponsible” and potentially dangerous actions after a U.S. surveillance plane flew near disputed islands in the South China Sea and was warned off by the Chinese navy this week.

On Wednesday, a P-8A Poseidon aircraft passed near the disputed Spratly Islands and viewed huge Chinese land-reclamation operations in the vicinity. The plane was told to leave eight times by the Chinese navy, according to a CNN team aboard the plane.

“It is very irresponsible and also very dangerous,” he said at a routine news conference Friday. “It undermines regional peace and security. China expresses strong dissatisfaction.”

Experts said China appears to be trying to create a military exclusion zone around the islands, a move that could heighten regional tensions.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the U.S. plane’s flight represented “a potential threat to the security of the Chinese island and reef,” adding that such actions could easily lead to an accident.

“It is very irresponsible and also very dangerous,” he said at a routine news conference Friday. “It undermines regional peace and security. China expresses strong dissatisfaction.”

 Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around the Spratly Islands. (U.S. Navy/via Reuters)
After each warning, the U.S. pilots responded that the P-8A was flying through international airspace, according to the CNN team.

The Philippines says similar warnings have been delivered to its military aircraft in the past three months, suggesting that China is trying to exclude foreign military planes from the area.

China claims sovereignty over more than 80 percent of the South China Sea. Rival claimants to ­islands and reefs in the area — set amid fertile fishing grounds and potentially oil- and gas-rich ­waters — include the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.

In the Spratly Islands, China has been engaged in an extensive program of land reclamation and construction, including building artificial islands. When the U.S. plane approached the area this week, it was told to leave.

“Foreign military aircraft. This is Chinese navy. You are approaching our military alert zone. Leave immediately,” a radio operator reportedly told the aircraft, later bluntly instructing: “Go, go.”

China bristles at ‘irresponsible’ U.S. flight near disputed islands, BEIJING — China accused the United States on Friday of “very irresponsible” and potentially dangerous actions after a U.S. surveillance plane flew near disputed islands in the South China Sea and was warned off by the Chinese navy this week.  On Wednesday, a P-8A Poseidon aircraft passed near the disputed Spratly Islands and viewed huge Chinese land-reclamation operations in the vicinity. The plane was told to leave eight times by the Chinese navy, according to a CNN team aboard the plane.  “It is very irresponsible and also very dangerous,” he said at a routine news conference Friday. “It undermines regional peace and security. China expresses strong dissatisfaction.”  Experts said China appears to be trying to create a military exclusion zone around the islands, a move that could heighten regional tensions.  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the U.S. plane’s flight represented “a potential threat to the security of the Chinese island and reef,” adding that such actions could easily lead to an accident.  “It is very irresponsible and also very dangerous,” he said at a routine news conference Friday. “It undermines regional peace and security. China expresses strong dissatisfaction.”   Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around the Spratly Islands. (U.S. Navy/via Reuters) After each warning, the U.S. pilots responded that the P-8A was flying through international airspace, according to the CNN team.  The Philippines says similar warnings have been delivered to its military aircraft in the past three months, suggesting that China is trying to exclude foreign military planes from the area.  China claims sovereignty over more than 80 percent of the South China Sea. Rival claimants to ­islands and reefs in the area — set amid fertile fishing grounds and potentially oil- and gas-rich ­waters — include the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.  In the Spratly Islands, China has been engaged in an extensive program of land reclamation and construction, including building artificial islands. When the U.S. plane approached the area this week, it was told to leave.  “Foreign military aircraft. This is Chinese navy. You are approaching our military alert zone. Leave immediately,” a radio operator reportedly told the aircraft, later bluntly instructing: “Go, go.”     Hong urged the United States to refrain from risky and provocative actions. “The Chinese side will keep a close watch on the situation in relevant waters and airspace and take proper and necessary measures accordingly, so as to guard against any harm to the security of China’s maritime features, as well as sea and air accidents,” he said.  In a commentary published Friday, the official Xinhua News Agency accused the United States of “senseless meddling” in China’s territorial disputes with other nations.“Now, China has the initiative, and as long as China can finish the construction, this round of intervention by the U.S. will end up futile,” the paper said. Beijing’s policies in the South China Sea, it said, would ultimately safeguard regional security and could establish the Spratly Islands as a “navigation and fishing hub.”   “We will continue to fly in international airspace,” he said in Washington.  The state-owned tabloid Global Times said the United States was trying to contain China and “sensationalize” the issue in a bid to apply pressure on Beijing. It argued that neither side wanted a showdown and that “hard-liners in the Pentagon” would soon realize they could not stand in China’s way.On Thursday, a Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren, said that “freedom of navigation operations” would continue in the South China Sea, but he insisted that U.S. military aircraft do not fly directly over areas claimed by China in the Spratly Islands.Běijīng - zhōngguó pī zhǐ “hěn bù fù zérèn”, bìng yǒu qiánzài wéixiǎn de xíngdòng, měiguó shàng zhōu wǔ zhīhòu, měiguó zhēnchá jī fēi jìn yǒu zhēngyì de dǎoyǔ zài zhōngguó nánhǎi, bìng zài běn zhōu bèi jǐnggàoguò zhōngguó hǎijūn.  Shàng zhōusān, zài P-8A hǎishén fēijī tōngguò fùjìn yǒu zhēngyì de nánshā qúndǎo jí fùjìn kàn dào pángdà de zhōngguó tǔdì fù kěn yèwù. Zhè jià fēijī bèi gàozhī yào líkāi bā cì yóu zhōngguó hǎijūn, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì dēng shàngle fēijī.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“  Zhuānjiā biǎoshì, zhōngguó sìhū shì shìtú chuàngzào dǎoyǔ zhōuwéi de jūnshì jìnqū, zhè kěnéng huì jiājù dìqū jǐnzhāng júshì de jǔdòng.  Zhōngguó wàijiāo bù fāyán rén hóng lěi shuō, měiguó fēijī de fēixíngwéi dàibiǎo de “duì zhōngguó de dǎoyǔ hé jiāoshí de ānquán gòuchéng qiánzài wēixié”, bìng chēng zhèyàng de xíng wéi hěn róngyì dǎozhì shìgù.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“   Zhōngguó wā shāchuán jù chēng shì zài kàn dào zhōuwéi de nánshā qúndǎo hǎiyù. (Měiguó hǎijūn/lùtòu tōngguò) měi gè jǐnggào hòu, měiguó fēixíngyuán huíyīng chēng,P-8A shì tōngguò fēi guójì kōngyù, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì.  Fēilǜbīn biǎoshì, lèisì de jǐnggào yǐjīng jiāofù gěi tā de jūnyòng fēijī zài guòqù sān gè yuè, zhè biǎomíng zhōngguó zhèngzài nǔlì páichú wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī cóng gāi dìqū.  Zhōngguó xuānchēng yǒngyǒu zhǔquán chāoguò 80%de zhōngguó nánhǎi. Duìshǒu suǒpéi rén dǎo jiāo qū - shèzhì jì féiwò de yúchǎng hé qiánzài de shíyóu hé tiānránqì chúliàng fēngfù de shuǐyù - bāokuò fēilǜbīn, yuènán, táiwān, mǎláixīyà héwén lái.  Zài nánshā qúndǎo, zhōngguó yīzhí cóngshì guǎngfàn de tǔdì kāikěn hé jiànshè, bāokuò jiànshè réngōng dǎo de jìhuà. Dāng měiguó fēijī zài běn zhōu zǒu jìn lǐngyù, tā bèi gàozhī yào líkāi.  “Wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī. Zhè shì zhōngguó hǎijūn. Nín zhèngzài jiējìn wǒmen de jūnshì jǐngjiè qū. Mǎshàng líkāi,“yīgè bàowù yuán jù bàodào gàosùle fēijī, hòulái zhíyán zhǐshì:” Zǒu ba, zǒu ba “.     Xiānggǎng hūyù měiguó cóng màoxiǎn hé tiǎoxìn xìng de xíngdòng. “Zhōngguó fāngmiàn jiāng jìxù mìqiè guānzhù xiāngguān shuǐyù hé kōngyù de qíngkuàng, bìng cǎiqǔ shìdàng hé bìyào de cuòshī, yīncǐ, yǐ fángzhǐ rènhé shānghài dào zhōngguó dì hǎishàng gōngnéng de ānquán xìng, yǐjí hǎi kōng yìwài shìgù,” tā shuō.  Zài zhōu wǔ fābù de yī piān pínglùn, guānfāng de xīnhuá shè zhǐzé zhōngguó yǔ qítā guójiā de lǐng​​tǔ zhēngduān “wúlítóu guǎn xiánshì” dì měiguó.“Xiànzài, zhōngguó yǒngyǒu zhǔdòng quán, zhǐyào zhōngguó néng wánchéng jiànshè, zhè yī lún gānyù měiguó jiāng zuìzhōng túláo,“gāi bào shuō. Zài zhōngguó nánhǎi běijīng de zhèngcè, tā shuō, zuìzhōng jiāng wéihù dìqū ānquán, bìng kěnéng jiànlì nánshā qúndǎo wèi “hángxíng hé bǔ yú shūniǔ.”   “Wǒmen jiāng jìxù zài guójì kōngyù fēixíng,” tā zài huáshèngdùn biǎoshì.  Guóyǒu xiǎobào huánqiú shíbào shuō, měiguó shìtú èzhì zhōngguó de “chǎozuò” de wèntí, qìtú duì shījiā yālì běijīng. Tā rènwéi, rènhé yīfāng dōu xiǎng yào yī jué gāo xià, ér “qiángyìng pài zài wǔjiǎodàlóu” hěn kuài jiù huì yìshí dào tāmen wúfǎ rěnshòu zài zhōngguó de way.On zhōu sì wǔjiǎodàlóu fāyán rén, shàng xiào shǐ dì fū·wò lún shuō,“dǎoháng xíngdòng zìyóu” huì zài zhōngguó nánhǎi jìxù, dàn tā jiānchí shuō, měiguó jūnyòng fēijī bù zhíjiē fēi guòlái, zài nánshā qúndǎo shēngchēng zhōngguó dìqū., 北京 - 中国被指“很不负责任”,并有潜在危险的行动,美国上周五之后,美国侦察机飞近有争议的岛屿在中国南海,并在本周被警告过中国海军。  上周三,在P-8A海神飞机通过附近有争议的南沙群岛及附近看到庞大的中国土地复垦业务。这架飞机被告知要离开八次由中国海军,根据CNN的团队登上了飞机。  “这是非常不负责任的,也是非常危险的,”他在例行新闻发布会上周五表示。 “它破坏了地区和平与安全。中国对此表示强烈不满。“  专家表示,中国似乎是试图创造岛屿周围的军事禁区,这可能会加剧地区紧张局势的举动。  中国外交部发言人洪磊说,美国飞机的飞行为代表的“对中国的岛屿和礁石的安全构成潜在威胁”,并称这样的行为很容易导致事故。  “这是非常不负责任的,也是非常危险的,”他在例行新闻发布会上周五表示。 “它破坏了地区和平与安全。中国对此表示强烈不满。“   中国挖沙船据称是在看到周围的南沙群岛海域。 (美国海军/路透通过) 每个警告后,美国飞行员回应称,P-8A是通过飞国际空域,根据CNN的团队。  菲律宾表示,类似的警告已经交付给它的军用飞机在过去三个月,这表明中国正在努力排除外国军用飞机从该地区。  Běijīng - zhōngguó pī zhǐ “hěn bù fù zérèn”, bìng yǒu qiánzài wéixiǎn de xíngdòng, měiguó shàng zhōu wǔ zhīhòu, měiguó zhēnchá jī fēi jìn yǒu zhēngyì de dǎoyǔ zài zhōngguó nánhǎi, bìng zài běn zhōu bèi jǐnggàoguò zhōngguó hǎijūn.  Shàng zhōusān, zài P-8A hǎishén fēijī tōngguò fùjìn yǒu zhēngyì de nánshā qúndǎo jí fùjìn kàn dào pángdà de zhōngguó tǔdì fù kěn yèwù. Zhè jià fēijī bèi gàozhī yào líkāi bā cì yóu zhōngguó hǎijūn, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì dēng shàngle fēijī.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“  Zhuānjiā biǎoshì, zhōngguó sìhū shì shìtú chuàngzào dǎoyǔ zhōuwéi de jūnshì jìnqū, zhè kěnéng huì jiājù dìqū jǐnzhāng júshì de jǔdòng.  Zhōngguó wàijiāo bù fāyán rén hóng lěi shuō, měiguó fēijī de fēixíngwéi dàibiǎo de “duì zhōngguó de dǎoyǔ hé jiāoshí de ānquán gòuchéng qiánzài wēixié”, bìng chēng zhèyàng de xíng wéi hěn róngyì dǎozhì shìgù.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“   Zhōngguó wā shāchuán jù chēng shì zài kàn dào zhōuwéi de nánshā qúndǎo hǎiyù. (Měiguó hǎijūn/lùtòu tōngguò) měi gè jǐnggào hòu, měiguó fēixíngyuán huíyīng chēng,P-8A shì tōngguò fēi guójì kōngyù, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì.  Fēilǜbīn biǎoshì, lèisì de jǐnggào yǐjīng jiāofù gěi tā de jūnyòng fēijī zài guòqù sān gè yuè, zhè biǎomíng zhōngguó zhèngzài nǔlì páichú wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī cóng gāi dìqū.  Zhōngguó xuānchēng yǒngyǒu zhǔquán chāoguò 80%de zhōngguó nánhǎi. Duìshǒu suǒpéi rén dǎo jiāo qū - shèzhì jì féiwò de yúchǎng hé qiánzài de shíyóu hé tiānránqì chúliàng fēngfù de shuǐyù - bāokuò fēilǜbīn, yuènán, táiwān, mǎláixīyà héwén lái.  Zài nánshā qúndǎo, zhōngguó yīzhí cóngshì guǎngfàn de tǔdì kāikěn hé jiànshè, bāokuò jiànshè réngōng dǎo de jìhuà. Dāng měiguó fēijī zài běn zhōu zǒu jìn lǐngyù, tā bèi gàozhī yào líkāi.  “Wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī. Zhè shì zhōngguó hǎijūn. Nín zhèngzài jiējìn wǒmen de jūnshì jǐngjiè qū. Mǎshàng líkāi,“yīgè bàowù yuán jù bàodào gàosùle fēijī, hòulái zhíyán zhǐshì:” Zǒu ba, zǒu ba “.     Xiānggǎng hūyù měiguó cóng màoxiǎn hé tiǎoxìn xìng de xíngdòng. “Zhōngguó fāngmiàn jiāng jìxù mìqiè guānzhù xiāngguān shuǐyù hé kōngyù de qíngkuàng, bìng cǎiqǔ shìdàng hé bìyào de cuòshī, yīncǐ, yǐ fángzhǐ rènhé shānghài dào zhōngguó dì hǎishàng gōngnéng de ānquán xìng, yǐjí hǎi kōng yìwài shìgù,” tā shuō.  Zài zhōu wǔ fābù de yī piān pínglùn, guānfāng de xīnhuá shè zhǐzé zhōngguó yǔ qítā guójiā de lǐng​​tǔ zhēngduān “wúlítóu guǎn xiánshì” dì měiguó.“Xiànzài, zhōngguó yǒngyǒu zhǔdòng quán, zhǐyào zhōngguó néng wánchéng jiànshè, zhè yī lún gānyù měiguó jiāng zuìzhōng túláo,“gāi bào shuō. Zài zhōngguó nánhǎi běijīng de zhèngcè, tā shuō, zuìzhōng jiāng wéihù dìqū ānquán, bìng kěnéng jiànlì nánshā qúndǎo wèi “hángxíng hé bǔ yú shūniǔ.”   “Wǒmen jiāng jìxù zài guójì kōngyù fēixíng,” tā zài huáshèngdùn biǎoshì.  Guóyǒu xiǎobào huánqiú shíbào shuō, měiguó shìtú èzhì zhōngguó de “chǎozuò” de wèntí, qìtú duì shījiā yālì běijīng. Tā rènwéi, rènhé yīfāng dōu xiǎng yào yī jué gāo xià, ér “qiángyìng pài zài wǔjiǎodàlóu” hěn kuài jiù huì yìshí dào tāmen wúfǎ rěnshòu zài zhōngguó de way.On zhōu sì wǔjiǎodàlóu fāyán rén, shàng xiào shǐ dì fū·wò lún shuō,“dǎoháng xíngdòng zìyóu” huì zài zhōngguó nánhǎi jìxù, dàn tā jiānchí shuō, měiguó jūnyòng fēijī bù zhíjiē fēi guòlái, zài nánshā qúndǎo shēngchēng zhōngguó dìqū.中国宣称拥有主权超过80%的中国南海。对手索赔人岛礁区 - 设置际肥沃的渔场和潜在的石油和天然气储量丰富的水域 - 包括菲律宾,越南,台湾,马来西亚和文莱。  在南沙群岛,中国一直从事广泛的土地开垦和建设,包括建设人工岛的计划。当美国飞机在本周走近领域,它被告知要离开。  “外国军用飞机。这是中国海军。您正在接近我们的军事警戒区。马上离开,“一个报务员据报道告诉了飞机,后来直言指示:”走吧,走吧“。    香港呼吁美国从冒险和挑衅性的行动。 “中国方面将继续密切关注相关水域和空域的情况,并采取适当和必要的措施,因此,以防止任何伤害到中国的海上功能的安全性,以及海空意外事故,”他说。  在周五发布的一篇评论,官方的新华社指责中国与其他国家的领土争端“无厘头管闲事”的美国。“现在,中国拥有主动权,只要中国能完成建设,这一轮干预美国将最终徒劳,“该报说。在中国南海北京的政策,它说,最终将维护地区安全,并可能建立南沙群岛为“航行和捕鱼枢纽。”   “我们将继续在国际空域飞行,”他在华盛顿表示。  国有小报环球时报说,美国试图遏制中国的“炒作”的问题,企图对施加压力北京。它认为,任何一方都想要一决高下,而“强硬派在五角大楼”很快就会意识到他们无法忍受在中国的way.On周四五角大楼发言人,上校史蒂夫·沃伦说,“导航行动自由”会在中国南海继续,但他坚持说,美国军用飞机不直接飞过来,在南沙群岛声称中国地区。北京 - 中國被指“很不負責任”,並有潛在危險的行動,美國上週五之後,美國偵察機飛近有爭議的島嶼在中國南海,並在本週被警告過中國海軍。  上週三,在P-8A海神飛機通過附近有爭議的南沙群島及附近看到龐大的中國土地復墾業務。這架飛機被告知要離開八次由中國海軍,根據CNN的團隊登上了飛機。  “這是非常不負責任的,也是非常危險的,”他在例行新聞發布會上週五表示。 “它破壞了地區和平與安全。中國對此表示強烈不滿。“  專家表示,中國似乎是試圖創造島嶼周圍的軍事禁區,這可能會加劇地區緊張局勢的舉動。  中國外交部發言人洪磊說,美國飛機的飛行為代表的“對中國的島嶼和礁石的安全構成潛在威脅”,並稱這樣的行為很容易導致事故。  “這是非常不負責任的,也是非常危險的,”他在例行新聞發布會上週五表示。 “它破壞了地區和平與安全。中國對此表示強烈不滿。“   中國挖沙船據稱是在看到周圍的南沙群島海域。 (美國海軍/路透通過) 每個警告後,美國飛行員回應稱,P-8A是通過飛國際空域,根據CNN的團隊。  菲律賓表示,類似的警告已經交付給它的軍用飛機在過去三個月,這表明中國正在努力排除外國軍用飛機從該地區。  中國宣稱擁有主權超過80%的中國南海。對手索賠人島礁區 - 設置際肥沃的漁場和潛在的石油和天然氣儲量豐富的水域 - 包括菲律賓,越南,台灣,馬來西亞和文萊。  在南沙群島,中國一直從事廣泛的土地開墾和建設,包括建設人工島的計劃。當美國飛機在本週走近領域,它被告知要離開。  “外國軍用飛機。這是中國海軍。您正在接近我們的軍事警戒區。馬上離開,“一個報務員據報導告訴了飛機,後來直言指示:”走吧,走吧“。     香港呼籲美國從冒險和挑釁性的行動。 “中國方面將繼續密切關注相關水域和空域的情況,並採取適當和必要的措施,因此,以防止任何傷害到中國的海上功能的安全性,以及海空意外事故,”他說。  在週五發布的一篇評論,官方的新華社指責中國與其他國家的領土爭端“無厘頭管閒事”的美國。“現在,中國擁有主動權,只要中國能完成建設,這一輪干預美國將最終徒勞,“該報說。在中國南海北京的政策,它說,最終將維護地區安全,並可能建立南沙群島為“航行和捕魚樞紐。”   “我們將繼續在國際空域飛行,”他在華盛頓表示。  國有小報環球時報說,美國試圖遏制中國的“炒作”的問題,企圖對施加壓力北京。它認為,任何一方都想要一決高下,而“強硬派在五角大樓”很快就會意識到他們無法忍受在中國的way.On週四五角大樓發言人,上校史蒂夫·沃倫說,“導航行動自由”會在中國南海繼續,但他堅持說,美國軍用飛機不直接飛過來,在南沙群島聲稱中國地區。 Běijīng - zhōngguó pī zhǐ “hěn bù fù zérèn”, bìng yǒu qiánzài wéixiǎn de xíngdòng, měiguó shàng zhōu wǔ zhīhòu, měiguó zhēnchá jī fēi jìn yǒu zhēngyì de dǎoyǔ zài zhōngguó nánhǎi, bìng zài běn zhōu bèi jǐnggàoguò zhōngguó hǎijūn.  Shàng zhōu sān, zài P-8A hǎishén fēijī tōngguò fùjìn yǒu zhēngyì de nánshā qúndǎo jí fùjìn kàn dào pángdà de zhōngguó tǔdì fù kěn yèwù. Zhè jià fēijī bèi gàozhī yào líkāi bā cì yóu zhōngguó hǎijūn, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì dēng shàngle fēijī.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“  Zhuānjiā biǎoshì, zhōngguó sìhū shì shìtú chuàngzào dǎoyǔ zhōuwéi de jūnshì jìnqū, zhè kěnéng huì jiājù dìqū jǐnzhāng júshì de jǔdòng.  Zhōngguó wàijiāo bù fāyán rén hóng lěi shuō, měiguó fēijī de fēixíngwéi dàibiǎo de “duì zhōngguó de dǎoyǔ hé jiāoshí de ānquán gòuchéng qiánzài wēixié”, bìng chēng zhèyàng de xíng wéi hěn róngyì dǎozhì shìgù.  “Zhè shì fēicháng bù fù zérèn de, yěshì fēicháng wéixiǎn de,” tā zài lì xíng xīnwén fābù huì shàng zhōu wǔ biǎoshì. “Tā pòhuàile dìqū hépíng yǔ ānquán. Zhōngguó duì cǐ biǎoshì qiángliè bùmǎn.“   Zhōngguó wā shāchuán jù chēng shì zài kàn dào zhōuwéi de nánshā qúndǎo hǎiyù. (Měiguó hǎijūn/lùtòu tōngguò) měi gè jǐnggào hòu, měiguó fēixíngyuán huíyīng chēng,P-8A shì tōngguò fēi guójì kōngyù, gēnjù CNN de tuánduì.  Fēilǜbīn biǎoshì, lèisì de jǐnggào yǐjīng jiāofù gěi tā de jūnyòng fēijī zài guòqù sān gè yuè, zhè biǎomíng zhōngguó zhèngzài nǔlì páichú wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī cóng gāi dìqū.  Zhōngguó xuānchēng yǒngyǒu zhǔquán chāoguò 80%de zhōngguó nánhǎi. Duìshǒu suǒpéi rén dǎo jiāo qū - shèzhì jì féiwò de yúchǎng hé qiánzài de shíyóu hé tiānránqì chúliàng fēngfù de shuǐyù - bāokuò fēilǜbīn, yuènán, táiwān, mǎláixīyà héwén lái.  Zài nánshā qúndǎo, zhōngguó yīzhí cóngshì guǎngfàn de tǔdì kāikěn hé jiànshè, bāokuò jiànshè réngōng dǎo de jìhuà. Dāng měiguó fēijī zài běn zhōu zǒu jìn lǐngyù, tā bèi gàozhī yào líkāi.  “Wàiguó jūnyòng fēijī. Zhè shì zhōngguó hǎijūn. Nín zhèngzài jiējìn wǒmen de jūnshì jǐngjiè qū. Mǎshàng líkāi,“yīgè bàowù yuán jù bàodǎo gàosùle fēijī, hòulái zhíyán zhǐshì:” Zǒu ba, zǒu ba “.     Xiānggǎng hūyù měiguó cóng màoxiǎn hé tiǎoxìn xìng de xíngdòng. “Zhōngguó fāngmiàn jiāng jìxù mìqiè guānzhù xiāngguān shuǐyù hé kōngyù de qíngkuàng, bìng cǎiqǔ shìdàng hé bìyào de cuòshī, yīncǐ, yǐ fángzhǐ rènhé shānghài dào zhōngguó dì hǎishàng gōngnéng de ānquán xìng, yǐjí hǎi kōng yìwài shìgù,” tā shuō.  Zài zhōu wǔ fābù de yī piān pínglùn, guānfāng de xīnhuáshè zhǐzé zhōngguó yǔ qítā guójiā de lǐngtǔ zhēngduān “wúlítóu guǎn xiánshì” dì měiguó.“Xiànzài, zhōngguó yǒngyǒu zhǔdòng quán, zhǐyào zhōngguó néng wánchéng jiànshè, zhè yīlún gānyù měiguó jiāng zuìzhōng túláo,“gāi bào shuō. Zài zhōngguó nánhǎi běijīng de zhèngcè, tā shuō, zuìzhōng jiāng wéihù dìqū ānquán, bìng kěnéng jiànlì nánshā qúndǎo wèi “hángxíng hé bǔ yú shūniǔ.”   “Wǒmen jiāng jìxù zài guójì kōngyù fēixíng,” tā zài huáshèngdùn biǎoshì.  Guóyǒu xiǎo bào huánqiú shíbào shuō, měiguó shìtú èzhì zhōngguó de “chǎozuò” de wèntí, qìtú duì shījiā yālì běijīng. Tā rènwéi, rènhé yīfāng dōu xiǎng yào yī jué gāo xià, ér “qiángyìng pài zài wǔjiǎodàlóu” hěn kuài jiù huì yìshí dào tāmen wúfǎ rěnshòu zài zhōngguó de way.On zhōu sì wǔjiǎodàlóu fāyán rén, shàng xiào shǐ dì fū·wò lún shuō,“dǎoháng xíngdòng zìyóu” huì zài zhōngguó nánhǎi jìxù, dàn tā jiānchí shuō, měiguó jūnyòng fēijī bù zhíjiē fēi guòlái, zài nánshā qúndǎo shēngchēng zhōngguó dìqū.Hong urged the United States to refrain from risky and provocative actions. “The Chinese side will keep a close watch on the situation in relevant waters and airspace and take proper and necessary measures accordingly, so as to guard against any harm to the security of China’s maritime features, as well as sea and air accidents,” he said.

In a commentary published Friday, the official Xinhua News Agency accused the United States of “senseless meddling” in China’s territorial disputes with other nations.“Now, China has the initiative, and as long as China can finish the construction, this round of intervention by the U.S. will end up futile,” the paper said. Beijing’s policies in the South China Sea, it said, would ultimately safeguard regional security and could establish the Spratly Islands as a “navigation and fishing hub.”

“We will continue to fly in international airspace,” he said in Washington.

The state-owned tabloid Global Times said the United States was trying to contain China and “sensationalize” the issue in a bid to apply pressure on Beijing. It argued that neither side wanted a showdown and that “hard-liners in the Pentagon” would soon realize they could not stand in China’s way.On Thursday, a Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren, said that “freedom of navigation operations” would continue in the South China Sea, but he insisted that U.S. military aircraft do not fly directly over areas claimed by China in the Spratly Islands.

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